About Business Savvy YOU!

Season #1

About Business Savvy YOU! 

Good morning from beautiful South County, Rhode Island, where I am enjoying  the second day of sunshine for my morning walk.  It has been kind of a brutal spring.

 As a regular listener to the Be Business Savvy podcast, You've heard me talk about  the many ways that being more business savvy enables you to have a more successful career and a less stressful work life.

 For example,  Business Savvy enables you to be seen as a contender for opportunities because it enriches your leadership brand  and elevates your executive presence. It makes your work life easier  because  you are more likely to have confidence, to speak up with authority, and to make the most of mentoring opportunities that come your way.

If becoming more business savvy is on your to do list for 2024  and you haven't found an effective way to get started. I'm delighted to announce that the full  Business Savvy YOU! course is launching next month. There's been an inaugural cohort that's gone through the program and back in the office, I'm going to  record some of their comments.

Participants Say

Johanna, who is an employee representative on the board of her European company. wrote. "Did some calculations for the company alongside the exercises in the lesson. This is fantastic. It's so much more than the course I took.  Now I can read the story behind the financials."

And I want to note that Johanna attended a three day course on financial acumen for board members.

 Amy says,

"Developing business savvy was instrumental in accelerating my career. Focusing on business results was exactly what I needed. It's the advice I now give everyone I mentor seems intuitive, but it isn't."

"I started to implement the learnings. In different situations at work, I started small in a safe space and then extended the playground. With the result, being that my boss accelerated my promotion.  That was initially scheduled for next year."  is what Samantha had to say about the course.

This morning I want to tell you a bit about what makes the program different.

In all my years of learning and researching. I have yet to find a program  that addresses business, financial, and strategic acumen for the discrete competencies they represent while also  moving participants to The Business Savvy Center in the Venn diagram where all three of them overlap. This is what the Business Savvy YOU! program does in such an effective way.

Designed with YOU in Mind

And I've designed Business Savvy YOU! with you in mind.

1. Short Lessons As a career woman myself, and one who was a parent and a single parent, I know how precious time is. So the program is delivered  in small bites. Most of the lessons can be done in 10 minutes.  Some take longer because they're designed to move you into that business savvy center. So you have to do work to bring the content into your world.

2. Focus on Need-to-Know You can, easily separate the need-to-know from the nice-to-know.The nice-to-know information, is available to you through bonuses.Everything else  you can trust is need to know.

3. Integrated Content One of the features that's important for your learning is that the content builds upon itself. This doesn't happen in any other content that I have found. Build Business Acumen lays the foundation for financial acumen. Financial acumen - because  it's a crucial component of strategic acumen - enables you to strengthen your strategic acumen.

So, three important  features. The content  is delivered In easily digestible short bites, you can choose only the need to know content or supplement it with nice to know bonuses. And  the course content is integrated  interdependent and supports your ongoing development.

There's a lot more I can say, but I do want to talk about what you will find in Business Savvy YOU!

The course has 4 major sections:

1. The first is on developing and demonstrating business acumen.  

2. The second is focusing on  financial acumen, both acquiring and demonstrating it.

3. The third is on strengthening strategic acumen. 

4. The fourth It brings it all together with activities to enable you to showcase your  business savvy

Within each section are those short, easily digestible lessons, in addition to the complementary bonus materials

There are empowering tools to secure what you're learning and enable you to take those learnings into your world of work.

There are six live meet-ups during which you have the opportunity to workshop your learnings, get input from me and others going through the course and ask questions about anything that has been unclear to you.

In addition to the worksheets, there are other interactive tools that will  help you ground your learnings and elevate your capabilities for demonstrating your business savvy.

There's a chat function where if you have an immediate need to know question, you can plop it in the chat and anyone, including me, has the opportunity to respond on a timely basis.

Women who've been exposed to  earlier versions of this content  contact me on a regular basis thanking me for delivering the tools they need to accelerate their careers...and to do so with more ease and less stress.

I hope you will take advantage of the next offering to get yourself moving in the same path.

As always, feel free to  contact me.  You can use the Contact Us page on the site or find me on LinkedIn.

Wishing you great career success Hope to see you in business savvy you there's a link in the show notes. 

Catch you next time,

Go Deeper Links

Business Savvy YOU! delivers the business, financial and strategic acumen you need to succeed: https://www.bebusinesssavvy.com/open-business-savvy-you

Discover The Most Important Thing You Need to Succeed FREE email course: https://www.bebusinesssavvy.com/newsletter-opt-in-1

⭐ Receive unique and transformative career advice: https://www.bebusinesssavvy.com/BusinessSavvyNewsletterOpt-In

⭐ Turn Career Advice from Flawed to Fantastic!: https://www.bebusinesssavvy.com/lead-magnet-7-career-tips-keeping-1 

Podcast produced and original theme music by Megan Tuck www.megantuckaudio.com